Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fox Keeping the Propaganda Machine Well Oiled

Steve Douchebag
 (Misinformation and Disinformation Spreader)

Fox News Prez 
(Mostly Chief Propagandist)

"Unfair and unbalanced" and living up to their reel name: FOX strikes again.

We all know that networks and reporters slant the news, and we know about their on-air goofs and gaffes, and about gaps in their reporting to keep the public hooked on the story), and yes, we even know about errors that can be proven as such, but most people I think have a low tolerance for outright lying to the public and doing it knowingly like this story reveals (once again via Fox). It may well be "freedom of the press,” and rightly so, but blatant lying the way Fox does like this should be of grave concern – and the public should react accordingly.

The latest stunt seen in this segment from FOX – keep in mind that FOX, owned by Murdoch and run by Ailes, know exactly what they are doing to further undermine America and our system of government one broadcast at a time.

Do they report for the sake of betterment of the general public? Nope. Do they do it for the sake of good news to inform and enlighten the public? Nope. Do they seek to make improvement in society? Hell no.

The bottom line is the bottom line: More higher ratings and more greedy profits.

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