Friday, April 4, 2014

GOP Fear Mongering: One Note Johnny and a Flat Note to Boot

All Together Now: "Obama-care is a Job Killer"
(A-one, and A-two, and A-three)

Wait - WTF!!! Where'd These Facts Come From??? .... Damn
(49 straight months since Obama-care signed and no job losses)

Forty-nine straight months since Obama-care was signed into law and no job losses - how can that be - who says so??? Oh, Department of Labor, I see, I see. 

Okay, guys, fall back and punt. Boy, you have to love the GOPer and their statements. In their own words, not mine:

As they say (whoever "they" is) ... B.S. Mr. and Mrs. Gee Old Poops. Nice try, but no cigar!!!

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