Thursday, June 26, 2014

How Many Tears Does Speaker Boehner Have Left to Shed

Focus of the Forthcoming Boehner v. Obama Lawsuit
(Short title: Pander to Our Base)

I love it when the hypocritical GOP gets caught red-handed or with their drawers down and as seen in this clip.

In the clip you will see clearly how they eat their own words about how Mr. Boehner will handle his planned lawsuit against Mr. Obama. The subject you will note is the GOP's previous staunch railing against frivolous lawsuits, but now, holy crap: they love 'em ...

Then I suspect we will see Mr. Boehner's reaction after he is told that he has “no standing” in any court to sue the president for the reasons Mr. Boehner wants to sue him. 

Boehner Gets News that He Has No Court Standing to Sue Mr. Obama

It’s more likely that Boehner simply wants to fire up and the feed the base to get back on their anti-this/that/and everything bandwagon  and turn out for the November midterms. 

This outta be a hoot before it's over ... stay tuned.  

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