Friday, July 25, 2014

The World is in Ugly Turmoil, but the GOP is in Worse Shape

The GOP Base Advocating 'Change'
(Agreed: Change is needed right now)

 While Acting Like Dirty Harry
(Minus the Empty Chair)

The so-called “Arab Spring” in Egypt and Libya and elsewhere; Iraq festering again; Afghanistan (U.S. still engaged there); mess in Syria; Ukraine-Russia turmoil; Yementhe renewed Israel-Hamas fighting; North Korea still in the wings; the Central American kids rushing here to avoid their own drug-infested-murderous countries; the back and forth with Iran; and, a few more hot spots, and all in recent years.

So – what can the U.S. possibly do? What do some people want the U.S. to so? From the GOP side of the equation, they are content just to blame President Obama and in every sound byte, appearance on Fox and Talk Radio, in Op-ed pieces, and even on the House and Senate floors they call him every name on the GOP dirty tricks handbook (written by Karl Rove, et al) like he is weak, ineffective, and not decisive – the worst president in history (which is totally false). That is their sole aim and has been since January 20, 2009 – a trail of facts, not just my opinion. 

This GOP will do, say, pay, try, lie, or imply anything to blame and bash Mr. Obama about any and everything no matter how trivial at every opportunity – all the while they say they serve the best for the country – Bull.

So, how much more can they blame Mr. Obama. This 12-minute segment from HARDBALL pretty much nails it - worth watching:

Thanks for stopping by. Come again.

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