Friday, September 19, 2014

Jindal Louisiana Weasel — The Worst in the Bayou State

Rebuttal to Obama's SOTU Speech in 2009

Gov. Jindal Sues Obama Over Common Core State Standards

Gov. Piyush “Bobby” (only his reel name) Jindal (R-LA) is suing President Obama over Common Core Education Standards — standards he was for until now, and now well… that appears to be political gain and not much else – certainly not on rational or sound principle.

A few specifics from the story: 

“Although the federal government had no official role in developing the standards, the Obama administration has supported them, giving $360 million to groups of states that are writing new Common Core tests.

“Obama’s education department also used Race to the Top, its $4.3 billion competitive grant program, as an inducement, saying that states adopting “college- and career-ready” standards had a better chance of winning federal dollars under the program. Most states understood that phrase to mean Common Core.

“When Louisiana applied multiple times for a grant under Obama’s Race to the Top program, Jindal never mentioned overreach, illegality or coercion. His state superintendent of education at the time wrote to the U.S. Department of Education saying in part: … we proudly submit this application to Race to the Top because Louisiana’s children can’t wait.

Louisiana won on the third try in 2011, when it received a $17.4 million grant. The state also sought and received a waiver from No Child Left Behind after meeting the Obama administration’s requirements.”

Jindal’s argument falls flat on its face just like often does as he competes to overshadow the President (while he seeks the fame to launch him to the presidency).

Jindal is such a flaming a-hole. I hate to be so graphic, but he is … he is a typical GOPer seeking another way to insult and bash Mr. Obama anyway possible. As for me, I’m sick and tired of it, and on this topic that is underscored.

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