Sunday, September 28, 2014

Murdoch is Sick for Attacking One-day Old Baby in Headlines

People Should Blast Rupert Murdoch for This 
Just Freedom of the Press - Ha ...
(Attacking a one-day old baby with that is neither free nor press)

I find zero humor in that headline, none whatsoever. “Another Liberal Crybaby” in no way is either funny from a political jab at an adult DEM (who may be liberal) or to any newborn baby.

Freedom of the Press many will say; yes, it is, but it’s also nasty, ugly, lowdown, and distasteful by any standard, let alone by what is stated about the POST: “... widely considered to be the golden standard of journalistic ethics, writing, and sophistication.” I have two words about that: Horse and Shït.

Just reading that headline gives me and I’m sure others, too, more reasons to despise some aspects of the media. This headline reeks right along side most FOX “reporting,” which Murdoch also owns.

For me it’s quite simply another valid reason and example as I said to loathe certain segments of the media. Mr. Murdoch has only two goals that I perceive: (1) to gain as much power and money as possible, and (2) to subvert America for his own good along the way.

Just expressing my freedom of speech, Mr. Murdoch.

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