Sunday, October 12, 2014

More Indies in DC — Dem and GOP: Get in Line or Leave Town

The U.S. Senate Could Have These Four Indies in Place
(2 already there - 2 possible new ones after November)

I think more Indies in office would be great. And, possibly four in the Senate would be better. And a few in the House could help matters, too.

We need to shake things up. I've always advocated for a strong, viable third party - one for the mainstream middle of America, but not one owned by some billionaire or big business (gas, oil, energy, et al). The more Indies in office I think, the better for the country.  

I say this because having more Indies in office would, I think, force the two main parties to stay in step and in check, In this day and age, most in office now from the two main parties serve there with little or no regard for the welfare of the country. Look at them now - another big vacation right after a another long vacation as events at home and abroad go to hell in the proverbial hand basket.

Most incumbents are self-centered, self-serving, and only concerned about their own welfare, political survival, and where the next big fat PAC check is coming from. Some will disagree, but you know what: they have a record to prove me right, or should I say the have "the lack of a coherent record" to prove me correct.

In short, actions speak volumes about their attitude, so more Indies in office is great news and it has to be a breath of fresh (needed) air.

A short clip is here on this subject >>> FYI

B/L: We need a shakeup in our politics and we need it badly and the sooner the better. This time around this could be that much-needed turn around. I'm all for it.

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