Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Weasel Doctor: Doctor A. Blowhard on FAUX Gnus

On Fox Calls for an "American Jihad" 

Across the country we see a Dr. Phil with his BS and useless one-sided personal advice, or a Dr. Oz, dispensing natural cure medicines (he knows are worthless), and now FOX gives us a Dr. Blowhard.  

•  Jihad: An Islamic term referring to a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word Jihād is a noun meaning to “struggle or resist.”

A person engaged in a Jihad is called a Mujahid, the plural of which is Mujahideen.

So, I suppose next on FAUX they will tell us how to behead our “enemy” or fellow non-believer in five easy slashes, and News Corp will even provide a fresh blade each time.

Call FOX today at1-800-jihader. What a country we live in, right?

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