Monday, December 15, 2014

Most of FOX News: Disinformation and Deception 100%

How I See FOX

The Worse Troika on the Planet

I often prattle on (and logically I think) about how disgusting FOX is and how their every program makes my point. 

In short: FOX will do, say, pay, try, lie, or imply anything to discredit the government in anyway possible (except the GOP/Rightwing side). They keep reinforcing that pretext under the label of being “Fair & Balanced” or news and information we can trust, and sadly, they manage to broadcast it 24/7.

The most-recent case in point. I give you the wacky trio on FOX and Fiends, and please focus on the one in the center with this their latest antic ... here  and her approach to world events: 

Fox’s Hasselbeck Uses Sydney Siege to Defend CIA Torture Program

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