Saturday, February 21, 2015

How Can a Boogle of Weasels Shut Down Homeland Security

Impact of GOP DHS Shutdown - Not Pretty
(I lived through two GOP shutdowns in the 1990's)

During the Clinton administration, after conservatives made massive congressional gains in the 1994 Republican Revolution, there were two full government shutdowns during 1995 and 1996 lasting 5 and 21 days respectively, both the longest and most severe to that date. These shutdowns led to massive furloughs and significant disruption. The primary issue was the United States budget deficit.

The federal government shutdown of 2013 ran from October 1 to October 16, 2013 over the Republican desire to delay or defund the ACA (Obama-care) which has been in effect since March 2010.

Now here we are again. This time the GOP is upset and angry about Mr. Obama’s executive order on immigration (deportation delay due mostly to GOP inaction on positive immigration reform – which we sorely need).

If they don’t get their way, expect “poison pill” amendments on “must-pass” bills … they are hell bent on getting their way no matter who suffers along the way.  

A very good 4-minute run down is here:
It is very hard for me to come close to even comprehending how anyone can serve in elected office, professing to serve the best interests of the country then stand by and advocate a shutdown of government … to me that borders on the highest form of treason: turning your back on the very structure you say you are serving with honor, pride, and dignity.

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