Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Rightwing PR vs. Third Reich PR: No Contest, Hands Down RW

Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels Nazi PR Master

56 percent of 114th GOP-run Congress
(deny or question science behind human-caused climate change)

Backdrop: Political jockeying over climate change was elevated last week when the U.S. Senate, for the first time in eight years, cast votes on the topic. On January 21, the Senate voted 98-1 to approve a resolution stating, “climate change is real and not a hoax.”

Then that same Senate rejected a second amendment that stated climate change is real and is significantly caused by humans.

Okay, that sets the scene and, as I intimated in the post title: The power, influence, and effectiveness of the Right wing media PR machine is truly amazing ... it would put the Herr Goebbels Third Reich machine to shame.

But, it’s not just climate change denying – it’s a lot of other science including evolution. The right is flat out wrong.

So, why don’t Republicans care about the massive changes on Earth: the air, water, and climate?  Yes, it will take a lot of years to have a reversal impact, so why do they dodge, duck, and deny reality?

I conclude that since it will take a lot of years that the deniers say, “Hey, we’ll all be long gone, so why worry? Just let it all hang out (to coin a 1960’s slogan.”

Well, actually it’s pretty simple. We living now should always think about those coming after us … just imagine those who came before us not giving a damn the future? Where would we be today? It is that simple and the GOPers just do not get it.  

Thanks for stopping by.

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