Monday, March 9, 2015

Weasels Я Us Award: GOP's Leading Candidate for 2015

Not Only Leading Weasel of the Year Candidate, but also Hypocrite of the Year

This story here comes from Media MattersIt is about more raw GOP blatant hypocrisy that is carefully documented in the article, in part, just as the poster above reflects.

It deals with Rep. Harold Watson “Trey” Gowdy III (R-SC), who is now the head of the GOP’s newest House Committee on Benghazi (their so-called “select” committee). Mr. Gowdy in my view should be reprimanded and fired from that committee, either as the chairman or as a sitting member – and immediately if not sooner.

Key parts of the story include:

1.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) will be headlining a fundraising event for the Virginia Republican Party apparently centered on the topic of the Benghazi, which would contradict his repeated pledges not to raise money off of the 2012 attacks

2.  According to the report, the event will feature “… a screening and an interview of Gowdy, moderated by Rep. Howard Morgan Griffith (R-VA-9th).”

3.  The VA GOP is will be charging $75.00 for the event. But, it is also soliciting donations from $1,250.00 to $5,000.00 in exchange for “special recognition” and other perks (unnamed).

The appearance of Mr. Gowdy “raises questions about the optics of fundraising off the Benghazi attacks” as Politico has noted dismiss his previous statements not to do exactly that.

Some of Gowdy’s past statements are linked in the story.  

My View: Rep. Gowdy is a two-faced hypocrite, but hey, for a GOPer like him, haven’t we all come expect nothing less.

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