Sunday, April 19, 2015

Emerging Face of Ugly and Nasty Along Side Other Hypocrites

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, FOX Regular, and Spreader of BS

To kick things off, a few of the others along Huckabee (there are plenty of others out there in la-la land, too): 

Huckabee claimed in an interview (his words here, not mine) with Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson that the Obama administration has “an open hostility toward the Christian faith,” and he urged prospective military recruits to wait until the end of President Obama’s term to enlist.

So, say we were attacked in all-out war by someone. The CINC was still Mr.Obama,  Would Huckabee still tell young American men and women to "Stay home. Don't enlist. Wait for this guy to leave office. Don't serve under him." Sure seems like it.

I cannot come close to imaging anyone of Huckabee's so-called stature let alone possibly someone running for president to say such a thing, although that belief and stance does kinda remind me of this from history: 

“I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.” [Author: Adolph Hitler, in Mein Kampf, pp. 46]
Sounds harsh, I know, but the parallels are too close not to compare or mention them. No one likes Hitler references, but in this case of the interjection of God in both quotes by those two experts, well... I think it is apropos.

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