Monday, May 11, 2015

Wow: See More Hersh Hyped Up and Leading a Boggle

 Seymour Hersh in the Middle and As Full of Shït as Ever
(bin-Laden died, Obama lied)

Breaking story, still developing from the source below:

Seymour Hersh, who normally writes for the NEW YORKER magazine, has an article in the London Review of Books and alleges that the U.S. killed Osama bin-Laden with the cooperation of a payment of $25 million to a Pakistani officer who provided the info, and that bin-Laden was being held captive by Pakistanis in Abbottabad, and not hiding out there.

That would make the Obama administration’s account of the daring SEAL TEAM 6 raid a fiction on the level of Alice in Wonderland according to Hersh own words.

Hersh goes on to say: “You have to think about this. “A team of SEALS go into the middle of Pakistan, take out a guy with no air cover, no protection, no security, no trouble – are you kidding me?”  

Hersh it should be pointed out uses the account of a single anonymous source, yet argues much of account has been independently verified (NFI – no further info).  

So, are we to believe that a fully-armed SpecOps raid conducted primarily by Navy SEALs losing one ‘chopper in the raid that faced fire even from the bin-Laden clan that was armed, was as Hersh says: “… bin-Laden was like under house arrest and detention and protected by the Pakistani government like he was in Wit-Sec (Witness Protection program)? GMAFB…!!!  

Related: Former CIA Acting Head, Mike Morrell, Says Hersh’s Revision of the bin-Laden Raid is All Wrong and not factual

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