Sunday, October 18, 2015

Gowdy Benghazi Committee (Witch Hunt for Hillary's Head): Did You Check This, Too

Based on his words, not mine, I ask:  “Will the Gowdy witch hunt committee address this, I wonder?” 

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) acknowledged that House Republicans had consciously voted to reduce the funds allocated to the State Department for embassy security since winning the majority in 2010 (at least 3-4 times the record shows).

CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked (click here for the actual clip) the Utah Republican if he had “voted to cut the funding for embassy security.”

He said: “Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have… 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

Hey, Rick Perry – how about one of your infamous “oops” right about now, okay?  
One word: disgusting to say the least.

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