Friday, April 15, 2016

Imagine Midnight November 8, 2016 Election Headlines: GOP Wins Everything

The Morning After the Day Before
(Nightmare or Real Possibility???)

Nasty TV Presents New Reality Show
(“It's Me, Me, Me, and Only Me”)

Ponder this Mr. and Mrs. American Voter: What do you want on election day? A new reality show (Def: A TV program in which ordinary people are continuously filmed – one designed to be entertaining rather than informative) or a brighter future for all that makes sense? The choice is actually quite simple.

When it comes to rudeness in this historically crazy 2016 political cycle, the GOP side of the presidential contest wins in a landslide At least according to a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research has found; that is if you trust polls and I mostly, I do. First a few facts: 
  1. Their survey shows that some 78 percent of all Americans, including most Republicans, see the GOP race as discourteous.
  2.  Less than half — just 41 percent — say the same thing about the DEMS.
  3.  A whopping 80 percent – that is 8 in 10 people – say remarks about race, gender, and sexuality are unacceptable in public places. They also say political leaders should be held to a higher standard of behavior than most people.
  4.  Half of the public see this year's campaign for the Republican nomination as mostly rude and disrespectful.  (Note: In stark contrast, only 16 percent said DEM candidates were rude and disrespectful with 25 percent said they were rude sometimes). 

One Donald J. Trump plainly has played the leading role in setting that tone of extra-course nastiness by doling out put-downs to a wide selection of his campaign opponents, media critics, religious groups, debate moderators, rally protesters, by for example:
  1. He called or labeled JEB Bush as “low energy,” 
  2. Then called Marco Rubio “little Marco,” 
  3. Then called and still does call Ted Cruz “lyin Ted,” 
  4. His most-gross insult was to FOX debate moderator, Megyn Kelly, whom he said she “had blood coming out of her wherever” right after she questioned and pressed him about his previous remarks and insults toward  women.

So, congrats Republican Candidates for President: You have made rude top of the vogue list of ugliness and nastiness and thus are awarded this (my suggested) your new party label: Gross Obnoxious Party (still GOP). 

Time to wake up, pinch yourself, you are in control - believe it:

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